Anti-Aging Packs There are 4 products.

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TA-65® - 720 capsules - (dosage : 250 units) Telomerase Activation works on cells in your body and can improve cell longevity and quality of life. The double-blind placebo controlled study of TA-65® showed : immune system improvements better vision male sexual performance better skin appearance and a lot more

3 988,00 €

TA-65® - 360 capsules - (dosage : 250 units) TA-65® is a telomerase activator discovered by California biotech company Geron, and licensed to T.A Sciences. Taking TA-65 capsules in a 12 month program is known as the Patton Protocol. TA-65 turns on the hTERT gene* which activates the telomerase (an enzyme) which can lengthen your telomeres.

2 088,00 €
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